Person to Person – PTP

CMC’s Person to Person Fund (PTP) began in the 1970s to provide good healthcare at an affordable cost for poor patients. Every year, PTP links hundreds of generous donors to deserving and financially burdened patients. Faithful friends and committed donors help us support over 2000 patients every year.

PTP gives an opportunity to contribute to the cost of a patient’s care. CMC augments the donations received by contributing fourfold. For example, if you donate A$200.00, CMC adds A$800.00 to it, and maximum of A$1000.00 is allocated towards one patient. Your generosity is multiplied!

Friends from around the world support patients from all over India, through the diligent care of doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers at CMC. You will receive PTP reports from CMC periodically about patients who benefited from donations like yours with details about what they were treated for and how they benefitted from the care they received.

This is a very popular project among the international friends of Vellore.

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